No two investors are alike. Because investor needs vary and circumstances are ever-changing, we offer representation and investment advice that is uniquely tailored to the individual investor.
We analyze and compare income streams and operating expenses. We look into and compare a variety of financial alternatives and tax implications. We work closely with clients to examine properties and investment portfolios, identifying problems and suggesting alternatives and solutions. We assist you in site selection and analysis. We help you with lease/purchase analysis. We compare the advantages and disadvantages of developing a new facility with those of adapting an existing building. We provide coordination in development from design and construction through the move-in phase. We provide full service property management.
We are the one-stop shop for the investor who is looking for a firm with 40 years of experience in the area. Ask about our 10 step program that helps us to get your property leased to the best clients faster than any service out there.
Simply fill out the below form and let us help you make great investment decisions. As a bonus ask for a free copy of the Landlords and Tenants Guide—an explanation (written in lay terms) of the current statutes of the Texas Property Code.